
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

October 2013 Employment Report

Employment in October 2013 took a setback (‘000):


The economy lost 98.5k jobs in October, which to be fair isn’t all that unusual – the October-November period usually sees a reduction in employment due to people leaving the workforce (‘000):

02_dlfThe labour force dropped by 79.4k, which means a net job loss of less than 20k (‘000):


However, net job losses are a little higher than normal, which results in a higher unemployment rate:


Given the known volatility of the series, I don’t doubt this is temporary, and we should see the the unemployment rate falling back to around the 3.1% level next month. I’ll start getting worried if it stays where it is.

Technical Notes:

October 2013 Employment Report from the Department of Statistics (warning: pdf link)


  1. Dear Mr Hisham,
    I'd like to know how to the stats department really keep track of the employment records; do they survey firms every month or do the those became unemployed report themselves in or how? Just curious to know more about it. Thank you sir

    1. It's by survey. From the report:

      Labour Force Survey (LFS) is
      conducted to collect information on the structure and
      distribution of labour force,
      employment and unemployment.

      The LFS covers both urban
      and rural areas of all states
      in Malaysia through the
      personal interview method.

      The survey population is
      defined to cover persons who
      live in private living quarters
      and hence excludes persons
      residing in institutions such
      as hotels, hostels, hospitals,
      prisons, boarding houses and
      military barracks.

      The survey comprises the
      economically active and
      inactive population. To meas-ure the economically active
      population, the LFS uses the
      age limit of 15 to 64 years.
      The economically active
      population comprises those
      employed and unemployed
      whereas those who are
      inactive is classified as out-side labour force

  2. Btw,this data is base on international report or malaysia only?

    1. Nobody compiles aggregate data on international employment and unemployment; this is for Malaysia only.
