
Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year!

I’ve just come back from a two week break. It’s been a good time off, if not for the news of the flooding on the East coast and the Air Asia tragedy.

My resolution for this brand new year of 2015 is to recommit to blogging. I’ve been letting it slide over the past year because of work commitments, but I’m hoping to hit at least one blog post every working day from now on. To do that though, there’ll have to be some changes in my approach – it’ll have to be with much shorter pieces than I’ve done before, though I’m hoping to keep up with the data-centric style I’ve managed to sustain in this blog.

So you’ll probably be hearing much more from me from now on.

1 comment:

  1. Hisham a happy new year to you! You have been doing a great job with the blog. Always good to get some layman explanations for those of us who are not economics-inclined. Keep it up!
