MYR Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rates

Last Update: July 23, 2018
Index 2000=100 Nominal Broad Real Broad Nominal Narrow Real Narrow Nominal ASEAN Real ASEAN
Jan-00 96.62 95.86 97.37 96.67 94.82 94.20
Feb-00 98.08 97.57 99.03 98.56 96.21 95.87
Mar-00 98.09 97.78 98.86 98.71 96.84 96.35
Apr-00 98.18 98.07 98.91 98.94 97.14 96.80
May-00 99.77 99.60 100.31 100.21 98.99 98.41
Jun-00 99.00 99.03 99.14 99.25 99.41 99.03
Jul-00 99.98 100.14 99.84 100.01 101.53 101.63
Aug-00 100.22 100.62 100.15 100.53 100.28 100.91
Sep-00 101.18 102.01 100.78 101.51 101.87 102.59
Oct-00 102.40 102.94 101.70 102.14 103.74 104.29
Nov-00 102.97 103.45 101.76 102.04 104.51 105.27
Dec-00 102.78 102.93 101.43 101.41 103.94 104.65
Jan-01 103.10 102.93 101.96 101.64 103.68 104.23
Feb-01 103.22 102.83 102.27 101.82 103.31 103.70
Mar-01 105.06 105.05 104.05 103.94 105.36 106.18
Apr-01 106.95 107.25 105.49 105.58 109.19 110.40
May-01 106.87 107.24 105.46 105.57 109.54 110.56
Jun-01 107.60 108.03 106.10 106.12 109.74 110.64
Jul-01 108.21 108.58 106.65 106.43 109.66 111.22
Aug-01 105.57 106.17 104.18 104.15 104.75 106.30
Sep-01 105.04 105.69 103.24 103.23 104.44 105.89
Oct-01 106.47 107.18 104.80 104.73 108.08 109.51
Nov-01 107.00 106.62 105.60 104.43 109.20 109.78
Dec-01 107.77 107.03 106.78 105.36 109.00 109.45
Jan-02 109.06 108.19 108.28 106.56 109.60 110.30
Feb-02 109.28 108.34 108.59 106.69 109.02 109.79
Mar-02 108.56 107.03 107.86 105.45 108.37 108.39
Apr-02 107.86 106.62 107.40 105.40 107.51 107.46
May-02 105.92 104.76 105.51 103.62 105.58 105.76
Jun-02 104.32 103.04 103.97 101.93 104.32 104.35
Jul-02 102.35 101.23 101.66 99.72 103.00 103.20
Aug-02 103.08 102.24 102.17 100.50 103.61 103.95
Sep-02 103.72 102.91 102.78 101.11 104.49 104.75
Oct-02 104.73 104.08 103.70 102.12 106.07 106.63
Nov-02 103.67 102.80 102.59 100.77 105.20 105.71
Dec-02 103.35 102.33 102.23 100.26 104.63 105.07
Jan-03 101.66 100.74 100.39 98.44 103.73 104.78
Feb-03 101.73 100.75 100.39 98.47 104.24 104.98
Mar-03 101.85 101.39 100.33 98.97 104.64 105.76
Apr-03 101.77 101.53 100.33 99.20 105.41 106.94
May-03 99.75 99.24 98.30 96.89 103.00 104.07
Jun-03 99.50 98.91 98.31 96.83 102.59 103.57
Jul-03 100.47 99.51 99.10 97.12 104.57 106.19
Aug-03 100.80 100.22 99.35 97.75 104.94 106.97
Sep-03 99.82 99.38 98.42 96.98 104.08 105.99
Oct-03 98.14 97.66 96.67 95.05 102.89 104.82
Nov-03 98.14 97.58 96.53 94.79 102.94 105.02
Dec-03 97.15 96.50 95.33 93.50 102.24 104.28
Jan-04 95.97 95.76 94.22 92.66 101.23 103.69
Feb-04 95.76 95.74 94.13 92.85 101.06 104.33
Mar-04 96.69 97.00 95.15 94.14 101.93 105.06
Apr-04 96.65 97.20 95.14 94.60 101.48 105.10
May-04 98.03 98.55 96.21 95.65 103.51 107.33
Jun-04 97.74 98.17 95.57 94.81 104.32 107.88
Jul-04 97.48 97.77 95.51 94.35 103.77 107.65
Aug-04 97.88 98.33 95.75 94.71 104.43 108.42
Sep-04 97.67 98.05 95.47 94.39 103.75 107.56
Oct-04 96.89 96.98 94.50 93.24 103.06 106.31
Nov-04 94.96 94.76 92.80 91.31 101.51 104.60
Dec-04 94.12 93.71 92.11 90.29 100.98 103.94
Jan-05 93.99 93.45 92.27 90.03 100.29 102.93
Feb-05 94.03 93.86 92.69 90.86 100.09 103.23
Mar-05 93.74 93.86 92.42 90.76 100.02 103.48
Apr-05 94.79 95.15 93.52 92.31 101.53 105.60
May-05 94.91 94.58 93.72 91.73 101.56 104.92
Jun-05 96.12 95.44 95.02 92.48 103.24 106.13
Jul-05 97.40 97.14 96.18 93.83 104.61 108.60
Aug-05 97.26 96.68 95.84 93.16 104.64 108.45
Sep-05 97.51 97.27 96.00 93.70 105.34 109.35
Oct-05 98.30 98.35 96.63 94.35 105.15 110.38
Nov-05 98.94 98.28 97.47 94.42 105.13 109.92
Dec-05 98.38 97.67 97.04 93.94 103.90 108.57
Jan-06 97.09 96.43 96.43 93.25 101.83 106.40
Feb-06 98.02 97.40 97.65 94.49 101.93 106.80
Mar-06 98.39 96.51 97.92 93.44 101.86 105.23
Apr-06 98.68 97.43 98.16 94.41 101.48 105.60
May-06 98.63 97.45 97.76 94.01 102.31 106.35
Jun-06 98.22 96.86 97.07 93.03 102.22 105.82
Jul-06 97.96 96.46 96.90 92.54 101.05 104.69
Aug-06 97.49 96.29 96.45 92.44 100.23 104.06
Sep-06 97.69 96.27 96.79 92.53 100.31 103.87
Oct-06 97.66 96.32 96.55 92.34 100.08 104.28
Nov-06 97.49 95.83 96.48 91.94 99.72 103.65
Dec-06 99.19 97.68 98.26 93.86 101.19 105.35
Jan-07 100.73 98.59 100.30 95.01 102.06 105.11
Feb-07 100.66 98.84 100.36 95.47 101.26 104.79
Mar-07 100.09 98.69 99.65 95.20 100.49 104.22
Apr-07 101.38 100.37 100.80 96.46 101.72 106.42
May-07 102.46 101.76 102.12 98.06 102.77 108.04
Jun-07 101.39 100.64 101.41 97.23 101.77 106.80
Jul-07 100.15 99.60 100.27 96.29 100.14 106.14
Aug-07 99.30 98.95 98.53 94.83 100.69 106.86
Sep-07 98.86 98.62 97.94 94.24 100.58 106.64
Oct-07 100.34 100.78 100.03 96.54 100.99 108.51
Nov-07 99.62 99.79 98.70 95.09 100.82 108.27
Dec-07 100.44 100.54 99.64 95.86 100.71 107.88
Jan-08 101.18 101.40 99.92 96.10 101.83 109.70
Feb-08 101.95 102.58 100.57 97.06 102.56 110.96
Mar-08 101.39 102.46 98.96 95.84 102.97 111.96
Apr-08 102.34 103.87 99.77 96.81 103.84 114.56
May-08 101.51 102.90 98.58 95.35 102.77 113.92
Jun-08 100.72 98.81 97.62 91.08 102.62 110.21
Jul-08 100.27 97.86 96.79 89.74 103.00 110.67
Aug-08 99.98 97.31 96.54 89.37 102.47 109.64
Sep-08 98.23 95.75 93.87 87.01 100.74 108.06
Oct-08 98.82 96.88 92.90 86.55 101.45 110.20
Nov-08 98.65 97.23 91.53 85.55 103.78 113.65
Dec-08 97.55 96.53 90.02 84.51 103.08 113.01
Jan-09 97.30 96.35 89.72 84.11 103.20 113.25
Feb-09 97.47 96.44 89.54 83.82 103.69 113.83
Mar-09 97.21 96.44 89.37 83.81 103.38 113.52
Apr-09 97.46 97.01 90.65 85.17 103.21 113.52
May-09 97.58 97.03 91.33 85.72 102.61 112.93
Jun-09 96.91 96.34 90.97 85.27 101.82 111.89
Jul-09 95.38 94.66 89.50 83.87 100.14 109.89
Aug-09 95.80 95.24 90.09 84.56 100.53 110.54
Sep-09 95.30 94.61 89.48 83.79 100.17 109.96
Oct-09 96.37 95.69 90.63 84.74 100.80 110.85
Nov-09 96.26 95.45 90.50 84.47 100.79 110.70
Dec-09 96.21 95.36 90.57 84.45 100.51 109.99
Jan-10 97.49 97.15 92.39 85.97 101.34 112.12
Feb-10 97.14 97.21 91.97 85.94 101.00 112.34
Mar-10 99.49 99.64 94.62 88.56 102.63 114.29
Apr-10 102.94 103.63 98.56 92.76 105.09 118.28
May-10 102.98 103.60 98.19 92.34 104.60 117.94
Jun-10 103.05 103.43 97.93 91.63 104.36 117.30
Jul-10 103.30 103.54 97.81 91.25 104.93 118.44
Aug-10 103.87 104.12 98.48 91.89 105.14 118.84
Sep-10 104.28 104.71 99.02 92.53 105.16 118.94
Oct-10 102.19 102.72 96.60 90.13 104.13 118.12
Nov-10 101.95 102.58 96.54 90.13 103.49 117.75
Dec-10 102.13 102.69 96.87 90.30 103.61 117.91
Jan-11 103.84 105.20 98.15 91.57 106.15 122.32
Feb-11 103.87 105.16 97.98 91.33 106.27 122.19
Mar-11 103.52 105.05 97.48 91.16 105.84 121.92
Apr-11 102.84 104.04 97.31 91.24 104.30 119.03
May-11 102.28 103.46 96.62 90.53 103.77 118.71
Jun-11 101.58 102.61 95.73 89.41 103.24 117.87
Jul-11 102.14 103.54 96.45 90.26 103.50 119.56
Aug-11 101.96 103.45 95.72 89.71 103.39 120.01
Sep-11 100.47 101.98 93.99 88.11 102.80 119.02
Oct-11 99.59 101.24 92.49 86.46 103.47 120.94
Nov-11 99.55 101.15 92.52 86.36 103.75 121.68
Dec-11 100.06 101.67 92.97 86.80 104.12 122.06
Jan-12 100.89 102.93 93.93 87.82 104.88 122.89
Feb-12 102.87 105.05 96.22 90.04 106.07 124.35
Mar-12 103.15 105.89 96.68 91.05 105.80 124.69
Apr-12 102.69 106.36 95.84 91.07 105.37 125.35
May-12 102.23 105.69 94.99 89.98 105.09 125.06
Jun-12 100.42 103.63 93.20 87.94 103.56 123.29
Jul-12 100.62 103.56 93.64 88.14 102.85 122.31
Aug-12 101.75 105.06 94.62 89.32 103.92 124.13
Sep-12 101.99 105.55 94.68 89.58 104.22 124.93
Oct-12 102.76 107.18 95.07 90.13 105.93 128.44
Nov-12 102.96 107.19 95.45 90.31 105.77 128.18
Dec-12 103.07 107.71 95.72 90.93 105.77 128.88
Jan-13 103.91 108.34 97.09 91.96 105.51 127.57
Feb-13 102.81 107.68 96.24 91.59 103.79 126.23
Mar-13 103.15 107.86 96.79 91.94 103.63 125.71
Apr-13 105.15 109.75 98.79 93.83 104.95 126.42
May-13 106.97 111.40 100.36 95.05 107.08 128.91
Jun-13 103.15 107.55 95.70 90.65 104.45 126.03
Jul-13 102.48 107.19 94.73 89.73 105.04 128.90
Aug-13 99.87 104.71 91.66 87.10 103.55 127.79
Sep-13 100.89 105.33 92.50 87.52 105.42 129.24
Oct-13 101.71 105.50 93.60 88.23 106.08 129.02
Nov-13 101.71 105.32 93.49 87.98 106.25 129.42
Dec-13 100.90 104.28 92.45 86.84 106.36 129.26
Jan-14 99.75 102.24 91.67 85.38 104.00 124.26
Feb-14 99.24 101.67 91.24 84.93 103.06 122.95
Mar-14 99.85 102.39 92.22 85.97 103.08 123.05
Apr-14 100.67 104.02 92.80 87.13 103.95 124.51
May-14 101.35 104.86 93.51 87.91 104.85 125.87
Jun-14 101.92 105.33 94.01 88.18 105.76 126.74
Jul-14 102.35 105.92 94.52 88.68 104.95 124.92
Aug-14 102.92 106.44 95.05 89.19 105.44 125.73
Sep-14 102.84 106.44 95.15 89.32 105.12 125.05
Oct-14 102.14 104.99 94.33 87.88 105.52 125.98
Nov-14 101.42 103.57 93.94 86.88 104.27 124.16
Dec-14 98.85 101.09 91.53 84.70 101.50 121.18
Jan-15 97.36 100.24 90.68 84.17 99.47 119.89
Feb-15 97.72 101.59 91.17 85.56 99.81 121.09
Mar-15 96.63 99.73 90.36 84.26 98.83 119.05
Apr-15 96.50 99.89 89.43 83.67 99.84 120.05
May-15 97.22 100.50 89.69 83.77 101.26 121.75
Jun-15 94.17 96.87 86.74 80.52 98.27 117.54
Jul-15 92.93 94.49 85.82 78.85 96.29 113.25
Aug-15 88.15 89.72 81.04 74.58 92.47 108.81
Sep-15 83.78 85.61 76.51 70.64 88.90 104.84
Oct-15 84.44 85.88 77.36 70.92 89.49 105.52
Nov-15 84.29 85.16 77.47 70.55 88.87 104.25
Dec-15 85.07 85.97 78.00 71.08 89.67 105.27
Jan-16 84.77 85.73 77.75 70.65 89.00 104.56
Feb-16 87.07 88.44 79.62 72.69 90.85 106.74
Mar-16 88.31 90.36 80.99 74.52 91.70 108.57
Apr-16 90.83 93.16 82.88 76.59 95.43 113.89
May-16 88.36 90.40 80.43 74.02 93.20 110.86
Jun-16 87.24 89.32 79.40 73.10 91.66 109.41
Jul-16 88.42 90.11 80.80 73.93 91.98 108.49
Aug-16 87.50 88.87 79.99 72.98 91.52 107.73
Sep-16 85.92 87.76 78.65 72.19 90.08 106.43
Oct-16 85.47 87.26 78.28 71.72 90.61 107.84
Nov-16 83.74 84.67 76.89 69.79 88.71 104.80
Dec-16 82.75 83.76 76.29 69.37 87.40 103.47
Jan-17 82.84 83.45 76.32 68.64 87.66 103.83
Feb-17 82.41 82.03 76.12 67.64 87.40 102.32
Mar-17 82.36 82.15 76.13 67.79 87.22 102.27
Apr-17 82.22 82.37 75.99 68.21 86.18 99.95
May-17 83.70 84.03 77.30 69.51 87.88 102.27
Jun-17 83.89 84.48 77.26 69.61 88.07 102.78
Jul-17 83.02 83.35 76.37 68.57 86.76 100.48
Aug-17 82.28 82.09 75.43 67.32 86.37 99.38
Sep-17 83.31 83.15 76.25 68.10 87.41 100.56
Oct-17 83.56 83.37 76.56 68.46 87.85 101.10
Nov-17 84.59 83.98 77.63 69.08 88.79 101.87
Dec-17 86.07 85.52 79.04 70.42 90.24 103.54
Jan-18r 87.62 87.11 80.15 71.08 91.88 105.55
Feb-18r 88.08 88.04 80.13 71.49 92.92 107.08
Mar-18r 88.12 88.19 80.01 71.46 93.00 107.43
Apr-18r 88.73 88.85 80.53 71.87 93.55 107.98
May-18r 88.46 88.65 80.38 71.80 93.22 108.00
Jun-18* 88.33 88.52 80.29 71.69 93.02 107.78

r Revised

Technical Notes:
  • Nominal indexes cover currency movements only, while Real indexes are inflation adjusted (deflated using CPI).
  • CPI data is obtained from national sources where practicable. CPI data for China is from Haver Analytics.
  • As CPI data usually comes with a 1-2 month lag, ARIMA forecasts of each countries CPI is conducted to round out the CPI deflators. Australia in particular only issues quarterly CPI data, which also needs to be interpolated. As such, the latest few months of real indexes should be considered as preliminary (marked with asterisks).
  • Currency selection is based on a minimum of 1% of total Malaysian exports or imports. Some judgement was required as certain countries only breached that threshold for short periods, while others occasionally dropped below. Some countries were dropped due to lack of reliable data.
  • The Broad indexes include Australia, China, the Euro Area, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States from January 2000 to December 2003. Vietnam was added from January 2004 onwards.
  • The Narrow indexes cover Malaysia’s top 5 trading partners as measured by export and import trade value – China, the Euro Area, Japan, Singapore, and the United States.
  • The ASEAN indexes includes Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand from January 2000 to December 2003. Vietnam was added in 2004.
  • The weighting scheme is based on 50% exports and 50% imports, with weights changed every quarter. Each change of weights includes a splicing adjustment. Trade data is sourced from BNM’s Monthly Statistical Bulletin.
  • All indexes were calculated using geometric averaging.
  • The Broad and ASEAN indexes are spliced from two separate indexes (2000=100, and 2004=100), due to the 2004 inclusion of Vietnam.


  1. Morning,

    T5 indexes are the Narrow?

  2. Yup. Thanks, I ought to change that

  3. Hi! I'm working on my fyp and your data is helpful. The problem is that I want to use daily data for fyp. Is there any way I can change this monthly data to daily data?

    1. @anon

      Unfortunately not, at least, not easily. One approach I've sometimes resorted to is to use interpolation methods, but you'll need to look up the literature on that.

      Also, you could potentially replicate a daily NEER from the calculated weights, but not an REER, as the CPI deflators are also only available in monthly frequencies.

      The exception here is the Australian CPI, which is only issued quarterly (one reason why I use interpolation methods).

  4. @anon

    Actually, found a source that you could use. They have a daily Ringgit NEER:
